Thursday, January 19, 2017

Some old paintings from 2016

Acrylic. One of my favs from last year. Too bad it was on a piece of paper. I wish I used canvas. 

Acrylic. One of my least favs. Because the it looks soo dirty :'(

                                         Watercolor. I think it looks cute. I'm happy with it.

                 Watercolor. Drew this with watercolor pencils in bed just for fun. Turned out ok.

Watercolor. Inspired by an old photo I took from many years ago in Dalian, China. 

                     Watercolor. Drew this on a watercolor postcard and mailed it to a friend :P
                       Pencil. On thanksgiving I drew some random stuff with the kids. I liked this one.
                                             Watercolor. Drew this on thanksgiving in bed.
                                         Acrylic. I love capybara!!! Wish I could see a real one someday.
Acrylic.  I wasn't too happy about this one for some reason. Maybe because it didn't look as dainty as I wanted it to be...
 Acrylic. Painted this one watching a youtube vid when I was clueless about acrylic.
 Acrylic. I just tried while being clueless about painting - Turned out better than I expected.
 Acrylic. Painted this one watching a youtube vid when I was clueless about acrylic.
Acrylic. Painted this one watching a youtube vid when I was clueless about acrylic.
Acrylic. Relatively happy with this one compared to others. 

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