Monday, January 23, 2017

What I did Last weekend

I really need to work on my grass painting skills! :'(
I'm happy with the cat tho. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

First Acrylic People Portrait!

First acrylic people portrait. Painted for family, from an old old photo in the 60s. Took me a while to paint that face. Pretty happy about it. Not so happy about how that shirt turned out tho.

Some old paintings from 2016

Acrylic. One of my favs from last year. Too bad it was on a piece of paper. I wish I used canvas. 

Acrylic. One of my least favs. Because the it looks soo dirty :'(

                                         Watercolor. I think it looks cute. I'm happy with it.

                 Watercolor. Drew this with watercolor pencils in bed just for fun. Turned out ok.

Watercolor. Inspired by an old photo I took from many years ago in Dalian, China. 

                     Watercolor. Drew this on a watercolor postcard and mailed it to a friend :P
                       Pencil. On thanksgiving I drew some random stuff with the kids. I liked this one.
                                             Watercolor. Drew this on thanksgiving in bed.
                                         Acrylic. I love capybara!!! Wish I could see a real one someday.
Acrylic.  I wasn't too happy about this one for some reason. Maybe because it didn't look as dainty as I wanted it to be...
 Acrylic. Painted this one watching a youtube vid when I was clueless about acrylic.
 Acrylic. I just tried while being clueless about painting - Turned out better than I expected.
 Acrylic. Painted this one watching a youtube vid when I was clueless about acrylic.
Acrylic. Painted this one watching a youtube vid when I was clueless about acrylic.
Acrylic. Relatively happy with this one compared to others. 

My furbaby

My furbaby-Kobe Left: photo. Right: acrylic painting.
Some old painting from last year. Acrylic.

1st and 2nd Oil painting- california series

I got back from my short California trip last week and started my first and second ever oil paintings! I was a little intimidated at first but it really wasn't as bad as I expected. 2nd one seems a little better than the first one because I used wet on wet technique haha!